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Knowledge Ottoman Turkish Medicine: From Methods of Immunization Traditional to Pioneer World Vaccine
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Knowledge Ottoman Turkish Medicine: From Methods of Immunization Traditional to Pioneer World Vaccine
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Osmanlı Devleti'nde Modern Ekstremite Protezleri (1890-1923)
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Osmanlı Devleti'nde Modern Ekstremite Protezleri (1890-1923)
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Osmanlı Devleti'nde Modern Ekstremite Protezleri (1890-1923)
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Osmanlı Devleti'nde Modern Ekstremite Protezleri (1890-1923)
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03 Eylül 13:18
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Ozan Örmeci
Turkish-American Economic Relations from the Past to the Future
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03 Eylül 13:11
Ozan Örmeci
Turkish-American Economic Relations from the Past to the Future
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03 Eylül 13:11
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Turkish-American Economic Relations from the Past to the Future
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03 Eylül 13:10
Ozan Örmeci
Turkish-American Economic Relations from the Past to the Future
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03 Eylül 13:10
Ozan Örmeci
Turkish-American Economic Relations from the Past to the Future
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03 Eylül 13:10
Ozan Örmeci
Turkish-American Economic Relations from the Past to the Future
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03 Eylül 13:09
Ozan Örmeci
Two Nations, One Divide: Examining the Roots of Political Polarization in Türkiye and the United States
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03 Eylül 13:07
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Turkish-American Economic Relations from the Past to the Future
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30 Ağustos 17:36
Erdem Cırık
Gizli Güç: Dijital Pazarlama, Pozitif Manipülasyon ve İletişim Stratejileri
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Two Nations, One Divide: Examining the Roots of Political Polarization in Türkiye and the United States
Two Nations, One Divide: Examining the Roots of Political Polarization in Türkiye and the United States
Yorum Yaz
Kaynakçaya Ekle
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Yaptığı Atıf Ekle
Sosyal Bilimler
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
21. yy
Doç.Dr. Oğuzhan Göksel
Marmara Üniversitesi
Emeği Geçenler:
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Yayınlandığı Eser:
UPA Strategic Affairs
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Ozan Örmeci
Ozan Örmeci
Many factors have contributed to the global rise of political polarization in recent years – such as the electoral successes of populist leaders, the emergence of social media-based echo chambers, rising economic insecurities, and an intensifying rivalry between globalists and nationalists worldwide. In this context, a comparative study of polarization in the U.S. (United States of America) and Türkiye offers an intriguing opportunity. Examining the similarities and differences between their experiences may teach researchers a lot about the origins of polarization, its adverse effects on democratic governance and potential solutions. The Republicans and the Democrats in the U.S. have grown more ideologically opposed during the past decade in particular, leading to political violence as became evident with the 6th January 2021 Capitol Riot and the 13th July 2024 assassination attempt targeting Donald Trump. A great schism has also shaped Turkish politics as the long reign of the AKP (Justice and Development Party) since 2002 has polarized secularists and Islamists as well as Kurdish and Turkish nationalists. It will be argued that while authoritarian inclinations, political institutions, and historical legacies are distinctive to each setting; identity politics, economic inequalities, and social media driven echo chambers are major commonalities. A number of insights on reducing polarization will be derived from this comparative analysis, namely the need to build coalitions of parties/social movements representing different ideologies, reducing economic inequality, encouraging inclusive government, and promoting media diversity.
Many factors have contributed to the global rise of political polarization in recent years – such as the electoral successes of populist leaders, the emergence of social media-based echo chambers, rising economic insecurities, and an intensifying rivalry between globalists and nationalists worldwide. In this context, a comparative study of polarization in the U.S. (United States of America) and Türkiye offers an intriguing opportunity. Examining the similarities and differences between their experiences may teach researchers a lot about the origins of polarization, its adverse effects on democratic governance and potential solutions. The Republicans and the Democrats in the U.S. have grown more ideologically opposed during the past decade in particular, leading to political violence as became evident with the 6th January 2021 Capitol Riot and the 13th July 2024 assassination attempt targeting Donald Trump. A great schism has also shaped Turkish politics as the long reign of the AKP (Justice and Development Party) since 2002 has polarized secularists and Islamists as well as Kurdish and Turkish nationalists. It will be argued that while authoritarian inclinations, political institutions, and historical legacies are distinctive to each setting; identity politics, economic inequalities, and social media driven echo chambers are major commonalities. A number of insights on reducing polarization will be derived from this comparative analysis, namely the need to build coalitions of parties/social movements representing different ideologies, reducing economic inequality, encouraging inclusive government, and promoting media diversity.
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