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14 Şubat 05:36
Osman Sofuoğlu
Fezleke-i Katip Çelebi Cild-i Sani
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14 Şubat 05:36
Osman Sofuoğlu
Fezleke-i Katip Çelebi Cild-i Sani
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14 Şubat 05:36
Osman Sofuoğlu
Fezleke-i Katip Çelebi Cild-i Sani
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14 Şubat 05:36
Osman Sofuoğlu
Fezleke-i Katip Çelebi Cild-i Sani
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09 Şubat 22:52
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
Disease and Discovery: A History of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, 1916–1939 by Fee Elizabeth ; Health and Humanity: A History of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 1935-1985 by Thomas Karen Kruse
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09 Şubat 22:39
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Bioethics in Historical Perspective by Ferber Sarah
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09 Şubat 22:38
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Infectious Change: Reinventing Chinese Public Health After an Epidemic by Mason Katherine A.
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09 Şubat 22:37
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Biomedicine in an Unstable Place: Infrastructure and Personhood in a Papua New Guinean Hospital by Street Alice
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09 Şubat 22:36
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Disease and Discovery: A History of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, 1916–1939 by FeeElizabeth;Health and Humanity: A History of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 1935-1985 by Thomas Karen Kruse
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09 Şubat 22:34
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Medical Monopoly: Intellectual Property Rights and the Origins of the Modern Pharmaceutical Industry by Gabriel Joseph M.
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09 Şubat 22:33
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Italian Psychology and Jewish Emigration Under Fascism: From Florence to Jerusalem and New York. Italian and Italian American Studies by Guarnieri Patrizia
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09 Şubat 22:32
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Weill Cornell Medicine: A History of Cornell's Medical School by Gotto Antonio M.Jr., Moon Jennifer
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Essays on Some Maladies of Angola by de Azeredo José Pinto, Lloyd-Jones Stewart, Walker Timothy D.
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09 Şubat 22:26
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The Secrets of Generation: Reproduction in the Long Eighteenth Century by Stephanson Raymond, Wagner Darren N.
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09 Şubat 22:24
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09 Şubat 22:23
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09 Şubat 22:22
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Le Thermalisme: Approches Historiques et Archéologiques d'un Phénomène Culturel et Médical by Scheid John, Nicoud Marilyn, Boisseuil Didier, Coste Joel
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09 Şubat 22:21
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08 Şubat 21:49
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06 Şubat 11:03
Enes Ergin
Marshall Planı ve Türkiye'ye Etkisi
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02 Şubat 21:14
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The Osler Library Prints Collection
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02 Şubat 21:13
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Bedlam: The Asylum and Beyond
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02 Şubat 21:12
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Popular Medicine in America, 1800–1900
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02 Şubat 21:10
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Therapeutic Proofs and Medical Truths: The Enduring Legacy of Early Modern Drug Trials
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02 Şubat 21:09
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Playing God: Testing, Modeling, and Imitating Blood Miracles in Eighteenth-Century Europe
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Social Science History
Social Science History
Yorum Yaz
Kaynakçaya Ekle
Soru Çöz
Soru Gönder
Yıl 2002
Cilt 26
Sayı 2
Emeği Geçenler:
Yayın Yeri:
0145-5532 (Print), 1527-8034 (Online)
0145-5532 (Print), 1527-8034 (Online)
Yayın Başlangıç Tarihi:
İçerik Dosyası:
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Emine Gökşen
Emine Gökşen
Social Science History advances the study of the past, publishing peer-reviewed original articles that combine empirical research with theoretical work, undertake comparisons across time and distance, or contribute to the development of quantitative or qualitative methods of analysis. The interdisciplinary research community of social scientists -- historians, sociologists, economists, political scientists, anthropologists, and geographers -- that form the membership of the Social Science History Association and its research networks benefit from the high-quality articles provided by the journal.
Social Science History advances the study of the past, publishing peer-reviewed original articles that combine empirical research with theoretical work, undertake comparisons across time and distance, or contribute to the development of quantitative or qualitative methods of analysis. The interdisciplinary research community of social scientists -- historians, sociologists, economists, political scientists, anthropologists, and geographers -- that form the membership of the Social Science History Association and its research networks benefit from the high-quality articles provided by the journal.
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One fine body…