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28 Şubat 10:10
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Gábor Vermes için özet bilgi bulunmuyor. Eklemek için tıklayınız.
Aldığı Atıflar
A native of Budapest, where he was born in 1933, Gabor Vermes lived through World War II and survived the Holocaust. Many in his family did not. In 1956, he escaped from Hungary to Austria, where for several months he lived in various refugee camps. One year later he arrived in the United States, where he worked as a geologist in oil exploration in Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. He later pursued his love for history as a graduate student at Stanford University, where he received the Master's and Ph.D. degrees. Professor Wayne S. Vucinich was his mentor. His undergraduate degree, in 1956, is from the University of Budapest, in geology.
Joining the faculty of Rutgers University in 1972, Professor Vermes set an admirable course within the-historical profession. He was a truly outstanding teacher, scholar and academic citizen. In 1984, the Graduate Student Government, Phi Alpha Theta, and the History Club presented him with the Outstanding Teacher of History Award. He was also the 1998 recipient of the Henry J. Browne Outstanding Teacher Award. He served as Deputy Chair of the Department of History from 1979 through his retirement and as the faculty advisor to The History Club and Phi Alpha Theta. In 1978, he mounted the Northern New Jersey Regional Conference of Phi Alpha Theta, which was held at the Rutgers-Newark campus in 1978. An active participant in the Columbia University Seminar on the History of Legal and Political Thought and the Fulbright Association, Professor Vermes was also a consultant to the Central European University Press.
A native of Budapest, where he was born in 1933, Gabor Vermes lived through World War II and survived the Holocaust. Many in his family did not. In 1956, he escaped from Hungary to Austria, where for several months he lived in various refugee camps. One year later he arrived in the United States, where he worked as a geologist in oil exploration in Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. He later pursued his love for history as a graduate student at Stanford University, where he received the Master's and Ph.D. degrees. Professor Wayne S. Vucinich was his mentor. His undergraduate degree, in 1956, is from the University of Budapest, in geology. Joining the faculty of Rutgers University in 1972, Professor Vermes set an admirable course within the-historical profession. He was a truly outstanding teacher, scholar and academic citizen. In 1984, the Graduate Student Government, Phi Alpha Theta, and the History Club presented him with the Outstanding Teacher of History Award. He was also the 1998 recipient of the Henry J. Browne Outstanding Teacher Award. He served as Deputy Chair of the Department of History from 1979 through his retirement and as the faculty advisor to The History Club and Phi Alpha Theta. In 1978, he mounted the Northern New Jersey Regional Conference of Phi Alpha Theta, which was held at the Rutgers-Newark campus in 1978. An active participant in the Columbia University Seminar on the History of Legal and Political Thought and the Fulbright Association, Professor Vermes was also a consultant to the Central European University Press.
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