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Elizabeth B. French is a former warden of Ashburne Hall [1] Manchester and former director of the British School at Athens and an authority in Mycenaean archaeology, especially pottery and terracotta figurines.[
Elizabeth B. French is a former warden of Ashburne Hall [1] Manchester and former director of the British School at Athens and an authority in Mycenaean archaeology, especially pottery and terracotta figurines.[
Aldığı Atıflar
Elizabeth B. French is a former warden of Ashburne Hall [1] Manchester and former director of the British School at Athens and an authority in Mycenaean archaeology, especially pottery and terracotta figurines.[1][2] French developed a detailed classification scheme for a series of Mycenaean terra cotta figurines dating from the Late Helladic period (c.1500 - 1100 B.C.).[3] She coined the term kourotrophos for a particular class of these artifacts depicting a woman holding a child.[4] She has been involved in excavation and publication of archaeological excavation at Mycenae for many years[5] and recently completed a survey of the remains around Mycenae in collaboration with the Archaeological Society of Athens.[6] Her lucid account of the monuments and history of Mycenae itself[7] will remain the standard textbook for many years.
^ French, E. B. 1963 ‘Pottery Groups from Mycenae, a Summary’, Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens 58, 44–52; 1968 ‘Schliemann on the Pottery from Mycenae’, Atti del 1° Congresso di micenologia, 1967, Rome Vol. I, 170–5; 1969 ‘The First Phase of LH IIIC’, Archäologische Anzeiger 1969, Heft 2, 133–6; 1979 ‘Mycenaean Shrines — Recent Evidence’, The Bulletin of Manchester University, Archaeological Society 2, 10–13; 1981 ‘Cult Places at Mycenae’, in Hägg, R. and N. Marinatos (eds.), Sanctuaries and Cults in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the First International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, May 12–13, 1980, Skrifter Utgivna av Svenska Institutet I Athen, 4°, XXVIII, Stockholm, 1981, 41–8; 1981 ‘Mycenae Figures and Figurines, their Typology and Functions’, in Hägg, R. and N. Marinatos (eds.), Sanctuaries and Cults in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the First International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, May 12–13, 1980, Skrifter Utgivna av Svenska Institutet I Athen, 4°, XXVIII, Stockholm, 1981, 173–8; 2002 Mycenae: Agamemnon’s Capital. The Site in its Setting, Stroud. French, E. B. and K. A. Wardle (eds.) 1988 Problems in Greek Prehistory. Papers presented at the Centenary Conference of the British School of Archaeology at Athens, Manchester April 1986, Bristol.
^ "Mycenaean Kylikes". Traumwerk. Metamedia at Stanford. 2002-11-08. Archived from the original on November 3, 2005. Retrieved 16 April 2006.
^ E. B. French 1971 ‘The Development of Mycenaean Terracotta Figurines’, Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens 66, 101–87.
^ Trckova-Flamee, Alena (September 2005). "The Mycenaean Terracotta Figurine from the Royal Museums of Art and History in Brussels" (– Scholar search). ANISTORITON: ArtHistory 9: O053. Archived from the original on February 11, 2006. Retrieved 2006-04-16.[dead link]
^ Taylour, W.D., E.B. French and K.A. Wardle 1983-, Well Built Mycenae, Oxford: Fasc 1: The Excavations, 1983; Fasc 7: The Prehistoric Cemetery (M. Alden) 2000; Fasc 10: The Temple (A.D. Moore) 1999; Fasc 13: The Service Areas of the Cult Centre (E.B. French) 2007; Fasc 21) Mycenaean Pictorial Pottery (J. Crouwel) 1991; Fasc 24: Ivories and Bone tools (O. Kryszkowska) 2007; Fasc 27: Ground Stone (D. Evely, C. Runnels) 1992; Fasc 36: The Hellenistic Dyeworks (L.C. Bowkett) 1995.
^ S. Iakovides and E. B. French, Archaeological Atlas of Mycenae, 2003
^ E.B. French, Mycenae, Agamemnon's Capital, 2002
Elizabeth B. French is a former warden of Ashburne Hall [1] Manchester and former director of the British School at Athens and an authority in Mycenaean archaeology, especially pottery and terracotta figurines.[1][2] French developed a detailed classification scheme for a series of Mycenaean terra cotta figurines dating from the Late Helladic period (c.1500 - 1100 B.C.).[3] She coined the term kourotrophos for a particular class of these artifacts depicting a woman holding a child.[4] She has been involved in excavation and publication of archaeological excavation at Mycenae for many years[5] and recently completed a survey of the remains around Mycenae in collaboration with the Archaeological Society of Athens.[6] Her lucid account of the monuments and history of Mycenae itself[7] will remain the standard textbook for many years. [edit]References ^ French, E. B. 1963 ‘Pottery Groups from Mycenae, a Summary’, Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens 58, 44–52; 1968 ‘Schliemann on the Pottery from Mycenae’, Atti del 1° Congresso di micenologia, 1967, Rome Vol. I, 170–5; 1969 ‘The First Phase of LH IIIC’, Archäologische Anzeiger 1969, Heft 2, 133–6; 1979 ‘Mycenaean Shrines — Recent Evidence’, The Bulletin of Manchester University, Archaeological Society 2, 10–13; 1981 ‘Cult Places at Mycenae’, in Hägg, R. and N. Marinatos (eds.), Sanctuaries and Cults in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the First International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, May 12–13, 1980, Skrifter Utgivna av Svenska Institutet I Athen, 4°, XXVIII, Stockholm, 1981, 41–8; 1981 ‘Mycenae Figures and Figurines, their Typology and Functions’, in Hägg, R. and N. Marinatos (eds.), Sanctuaries and Cults in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the First International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, May 12–13, 1980, Skrifter Utgivna av Svenska Institutet I Athen, 4°, XXVIII, Stockholm, 1981, 173–8; 2002 Mycenae: Agamemnon’s Capital. The Site in its Setting, Stroud. French, E. B. and K. A. Wardle (eds.) 1988 Problems in Greek Prehistory. Papers presented at the Centenary Conference of the British School of Archaeology at Athens, Manchester April 1986, Bristol. ^ "Mycenaean Kylikes". Traumwerk. Metamedia at Stanford. 2002-11-08. Archived from the original on November 3, 2005. Retrieved 16 April 2006. ^ E. B. French 1971 ‘The Development of Mycenaean Terracotta Figurines’, Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens 66, 101–87. ^ Trckova-Flamee, Alena (September 2005). "The Mycenaean Terracotta Figurine from the Royal Museums of Art and History in Brussels" (– Scholar search). ANISTORITON: ArtHistory 9: O053. Archived from the original on February 11, 2006. Retrieved 2006-04-16.[dead link] ^ Taylour, W.D., E.B. French and K.A. Wardle 1983-, Well Built Mycenae, Oxford: Fasc 1: The Excavations, 1983; Fasc 7: The Prehistoric Cemetery (M. Alden) 2000; Fasc 10: The Temple (A.D. Moore) 1999; Fasc 13: The Service Areas of the Cult Centre (E.B. French) 2007; Fasc 21) Mycenaean Pictorial Pottery (J. Crouwel) 1991; Fasc 24: Ivories and Bone tools (O. Kryszkowska) 2007; Fasc 27: Ground Stone (D. Evely, C. Runnels) 1992; Fasc 36: The Hellenistic Dyeworks (L.C. Bowkett) 1995. ^ S. Iakovides and E. B. French, Archaeological Atlas of Mycenae, 2003 ^ E.B. French, Mycenae, Agamemnon's Capital, 2002
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