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07 Ocak 13:22
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Gwendolyn L. Wright, Lucas Hubbard, and Darity William A., Jr. eds. The Pandemic Divide: How COVID Increased Inequality in America
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07 Ocak 13:20
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Jacalyn Duffin, COVID-19: A History
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07 Ocak 13:19
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Anne M. Lovell and Gerald M. Oppenheimer, eds., Reimagining Psychiatric Epidemiology in a Global Frame: Toward a Social and Conceptual History
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07 Ocak 13:18
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Emily K. Abel, Sick and Tired: An Intimate History of Fatigue
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07 Ocak 13:17
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Sabine Frühstück, Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan
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07 Ocak 13:15
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Susan Boyd, Heroin: An Illustrated History
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07 Ocak 13:14
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Liz P. Y. Chee, Mao’s Bestiary: Medicinal Animals and Modern China
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07 Ocak 13:12
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Lyndsay Galpin, Male Suicide and Masculinity in 19th Century Britain
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07 Ocak 13:11
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Greta Jones, ‘Doctors for Export’: Medical Migration from Ireland c. 1860 to 1960
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07 Ocak 13:09
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Hosanna Krienke, Convalescence in the Nineteenth-Century Novel: The Afterlife of Victorian Illness
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07 Ocak 13:08
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Christopher D. E. Willoughby, Masters of Health. Racial Science and Slavery in U.S. Medical Schools
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07 Ocak 13:06
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Clare Griffin, Mixing Medicines: The Global Drug Trade and Early Modern Russia
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07 Ocak 13:05
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John Booker, Forty Days: Quarantine and the Traveler, c. 1700–c. 1900
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07 Ocak 13:04
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Jennifer Borland, Visualizing Household Health: Medieval Women, Art, and Knowledge in the ‘Régime du corps’
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07 Ocak 13:03
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Jason Sion Mokhtarian, Medicine in the Talmud: Natural and Supernatural Therapies between Magic and Science
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06 Ocak 21:42
Eliza Verdi
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04 Ocak 22:02
Mehmet Tan
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04 Ocak 19:13
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Kevin McQueeney, A City Without Care: 300 Years of Racism, Health Disparities & Health Care Activism in New Orleans
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04 Ocak 19:12
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Paula Muhr, From Photography to FMRI: Epistemic Functions of Images in Medical Research on Hysteria
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04 Ocak 19:11
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Esme Cleall, ed., Global Histories of Disability, 1700–2015: Power, Place and People
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04 Ocak 19:11
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Dominique A. Tobbell, Dr. Nurse: Science, Politics and the Transformation of American Nursing
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04 Ocak 19:10
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Eric I. Karchmer, Prescriptions for Virtuosity: The Postcolonial Struggle of Chinese Medicine
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04 Ocak 19:09
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Thomas Rath, The Dread Plague and the Cow Killers: The Politics of Animal Disease in Mexico and the World
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04 Ocak 19:04
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Kimberly Mair, The Biopolitics of Care in Second World War Britain
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04 Ocak 19:02
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Projit Mukharji, Brown Skin, White Coats: Race Science in India, 1920-66
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04 Ocak 19:02
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H. Yumi Kim, Madness in the Family: Women, Care, and Illness in Japan
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04 Ocak 18:59
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Alison Bashford, The Huxleys: An Intimate History of Evolution
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04 Ocak 18:58
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Sarah Fox, Giving Birth in Eighteenth-Century England
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04 Ocak 18:57
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Alessandra Celati, The World of Girolamo Donzellini: A Network of Heterodox Physicians in Sixteenth-Century Venice
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04 Ocak 18:57
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Ninon Dubourg, Disabled Clerics in the Late Middle Ages, Un/suitable for Divine Service?
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Born, 1909, in Des Moines, Iowa, George Ball studied at Northwestern University, earning a law degree in 1933. Moving to Washington, DC, he worked as a government lawyer from 1933 to 1935. In 1935, he moved to Chicago to practice tax law.
Born, 1909, in Des Moines, Iowa, George Ball studied at Northwestern University, earning a law degree in 1933. Moving to Washington, DC, he worked as a government lawyer from 1933 to 1935. In 1935, he moved to Chicago to practice tax law.
Aldığı Atıflar
Born, 1909, in Des Moines, Iowa, George Ball studied at Northwestern University, earning a law degree in 1933. Moving to Washington, DC, he worked as a government lawyer from 1933 to 1935. In 1935, he moved to Chicago to practice tax law.
Returning to Washington in 1942, he was appointed associate general counsel for the Lend-Lease Administration. Near the end of World War II, Ball directed the US strategic Bombing Survey in London, going on to become an international lawyer representing the European Economic Community (1946-1961). In 1961, he headed the task force on trade and tariff policy for President-Elect John Kennedy. Many of his proposals became part of the Kennedy Economic Program.
On November 26, 1961, Kennedy named Ball Undersecretary of State for economic affairs. He remained at the State Department until 1966. Although he publicly opposed the Vietnam War, he was briefly appointed US Ambassador to the UN in 1968. In 1969, Ball turned to banking, working for a New York City investment banking firm until his retirement in 1982. During the Carter Administration, Ball helped draft American policy proposals in the Persian Gulf. His books include The Discipline of Power and Diplomacy for a Crowded World, as well as The Passionate Attachment, written with his son, Douglas. Ball died in New York City on May 26, 1994.
Kaynak: www.historycentral.com
Born, 1909, in Des Moines, Iowa, George Ball studied at Northwestern University, earning a law degree in 1933. Moving to Washington, DC, he worked as a government lawyer from 1933 to 1935. In 1935, he moved to Chicago to practice tax law. Returning to Washington in 1942, he was appointed associate general counsel for the Lend-Lease Administration. Near the end of World War II, Ball directed the US strategic Bombing Survey in London, going on to become an international lawyer representing the European Economic Community (1946-1961). In 1961, he headed the task force on trade and tariff policy for President-Elect John Kennedy. Many of his proposals became part of the Kennedy Economic Program. On November 26, 1961, Kennedy named Ball Undersecretary of State for economic affairs. He remained at the State Department until 1966. Although he publicly opposed the Vietnam War, he was briefly appointed US Ambassador to the UN in 1968. In 1969, Ball turned to banking, working for a New York City investment banking firm until his retirement in 1982. During the Carter Administration, Ball helped draft American policy proposals in the Persian Gulf. His books include The Discipline of Power and Diplomacy for a Crowded World, as well as The Passionate Attachment, written with his son, Douglas. Ball died in New York City on May 26, 1994. Kaynak: www.historycentral.com
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Mustafa Ceylan
Güncelleyen: kaynakca.info
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