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22 Şubat 09:38
Ozan Örmeci
Political Views of Marco Rubio, the New U.S. Secretary of State
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22 Şubat 09:38
Ozan Örmeci
Political Views of Marco Rubio, the New U.S. Secretary of State
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21 Şubat 17:26
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
Murder and the Making of English CSI by BurneyIan, Pemberton Neil
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21 Şubat 17:25
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
Cabanis, Comprendre l'homme Pour Changer le Monde by Saad Mariana
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21 Şubat 17:25
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
Anne C. Vila
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21 Şubat 17:24
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
Epidemics in Modern Asia by Peckham Robert
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21 Şubat 17:21
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
Defectives in the Land: Disability and Immigration in the Age of Eugenics by Baynton Douglas C.
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21 Şubat 17:20
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
Bioinsecurities: Disease Interventions, Empire, and the Government of Species by Ahuja Neel
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21 Şubat 17:19
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
The Power to Heal: Civil Rights, Medicare, and the Struggle to Transform America's Health Care System by Smith David Barton
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21 Şubat 17:18
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
Into Africa: A Transnational History of Catholic Medical Missions and Social Change by Wall Barbra Mann
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21 Şubat 17:16
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
Child Health in Scotland: A History of Glasgow's Royal Hospital for Sick Children by Hutchison Iain, Nicolson Malcolm, Weaver Lawrence
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21 Şubat 17:15
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
Heredity Explored: Between Public Domain and Experimental Science, 1850–1930 by Müller-Wille Staffan, Brandt Christina
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21 Şubat 17:14
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
American Plagues: Lessons from Our Battles with Disease by Gehlbach Stephen H.
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21 Şubat 17:13
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
The New Worlds of Thomas Robert Malthus: Rereading the Principle of Population by Bashford Alison, Chaplin Joyce E.
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21 Şubat 17:11
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
Riotous Flesh: Women, Physiology, and the Solitary Vice in Nineteenth-Century America by Haynes April R.
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21 Şubat 17:09
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
Entitled to Addiction? Pharmaceuticals, Race, and America's First Drug War
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21 Şubat 17:08
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
Vernacularizing the Body: Informational Egalitarianism, Hindu Divine Design, and Race in Physiology Schoolbooks, Bengal 1859–1877
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21 Şubat 17:07
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
A Little Seasoning Would Aid in the Digestion of Our Factums: Wit, Evidence, and the Evolving Form of Medical Debate in New Orleans, 1853–1868
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21 Şubat 17:05
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
From One Medicine to Two: The Evolving Relationship between Human and Veterinary Medicine in England, 1791–1835
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21 Şubat 17:04
Yağız Fatih Nazlıer
Trying Times: The Courts, the Historian, and the Contentious Struggle to Define Disease
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21 Şubat 15:28
Melis Doğan
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21 Şubat 15:28
Ramazan Acun
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21 Şubat 15:28
Selenay Çaygın
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21 Şubat 15:28
Merve Gül Çevik
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21 Şubat 15:28
Gökçe Kuyruk
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21 Şubat 15:28
İpek Çağlar Altıngün
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21 Şubat 15:28
İpek Çağlar Altıngün
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21 Şubat 15:28
Mustafa İbicek
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21 Şubat 15:28
Asrın Mustafa Değerli
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20 Şubat 21:19
Ozan Örmeci
A Comprehensive Analysis of the European Circular Economy: How Circular European Countries Are?
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INA Quarterly
INA Quarterly
Yorum Yaz
Kaynakçaya Ekle
Soru Çöz
Soru Gönder
Yıl 2003
Cilt 30
Sayı 1
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Mihayel Akyüz
Mihayel Akyüz
The INA Quarterly has been published since Spring 1974 by the Institute of Nautical Archaeology and continues to be published twice a year as a double issue. It is a news and information magazine focused on the Institute and its many research and fieldwork projects, as well as the news and events relevant to the nautical archaeology community and of interest to the general public. INA members receive a hard copy of the INA Quarterly, while each double issue is accessible online one year after publication. To enjoy your print copy now, join INA and receive the INA Quarterly as a benefit of membership!
The INA Quarterly has been published since Spring 1974 by the Institute of Nautical Archaeology and continues to be published twice a year as a double issue. It is a news and information magazine focused on the Institute and its many research and fieldwork projects, as well as the news and events relevant to the nautical archaeology community and of interest to the general public. INA members receive a hard copy of the INA Quarterly, while each double issue is accessible online one year after publication. To enjoy your print copy now, join INA and receive the INA Quarterly as a benefit of membership!
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